The listing header image is the largest picture displayed on your listing page. Your profile image is the small image that you can use for yourself to display a company logo or your own profile image.
Listing Header Image >
When you create a listing, you’ll get a default color-coded listing header image assigned to you just in case you don’t have one ready to go. Each colored header image corresponds to your profession (orange to Mediators, blue for Attorneys, etc.) This image is displayed behind yours or your business’s name when viewing your listing page. We recommend uploading listing header images at either 3000x1000 px or 1500x500 px resolution! This will help make your image fit better (since anything smaller will most likely stretch and distort your uploaded image).
Profile Image >
The profile image is the smaller image you’ll find under the Listing Author section when viewing a single listing. You can upload anything you’d like, maybe your profile image or a company logo?
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