Yes, you may set up alimony payments in SupportPay. You would need to click add expense in the top right corner of the app, choose Direct payment, add the receipt, and then on the expense details page you will select the Alimony/Family Support from the drop down menu under category. Then you will hit next and finish up the payment by adding the amount of the expense and submitting it.
Articles in this section
- Can the mother submit a receipt as proof of payment for an expense related to children and then ask for payment?
- Does the transparency only apply to additional expenses or does it include the base pay CS payment? I.E. Do I get to see where the base payment of CS gets spent as well?
- Hello, I already have a new account and I'm entering my bills. If I give the other parent access, can he change the information that I have entered?
- How do I set up alimony payments on SupportPay?
- My grandma was receiving child support for me but I no longer stay in the house how can I get access to my money?
- So, I was a little confused about the tracking additional expenses vs the base pay. If I'm ordered to pay $550 a month, do I actually get to see where that $550 goes?
- What are the differences between a free and paid plans?
- What if an expense is deemed completely unnecessary? (An above ground pool or toy go kart)
- What if mother does not include a receipt for an expense(s) after payment?
- What if the expense receipt has something unrelated to the children?
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